What Does He Want From Me?
Basically, God wants you to do everything that the world tells you is stupid. Yeah, like he wants you to keep giving people chances over and over again, forgiving them, and loving them the same as you ever did. Just like we wish people would do with us. But for some reason, when it comes to giving that kind of grace to other people, we think we're above it. The world tries to tell you you're the most important thing on the planet. Well, you're NOT. Sorry, but it's true. You're really not. It's about EVERYBODY, not just you, and not just the people whose company you enjoy. Even those dirty little weirdos deserve love, help, grace and care. Even the freaks, even the criminals, even your enemies. They don't really "deserve" anything, but neither do you. The only difference between you and someone else is that you know what the God of the Universe wants you to do: and He wants you to LOVE one another. Love -- as in, take positive actions on behalf of -- your ENEMIES. "But what if they want you to bonk a puppy on the head or something?" No, you don't do that. You do stuff that would PLEASE GOD. "How do I know what He wants?" Read the BIBLE. I know it's cliche, but read the stories, see how God reacts to things, listen to what Jesus says, and always remember: we are just his f'd up little minions. We NEED direction, since we are made up largely of chaotic matter that goes left and right and around and around, wrestling with its confused ego, trying to break away long enough to hear the truth. The greater GOOD is our purpose. Like when a soldier jumps on a landmine to save a group of orphans. It's like that. We know it when we see it. It's inside of us, but we need that compass. And the compass is the Bible.